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Fostering Global Well-being: The Intersection of Health Literacy and Planetary Health

Fostering Global Well-being: The Intersection of Health Literacy and Planetary Health

According to the World Health Organization, 3-5% of the health expenses are due to insufficient health literacy (https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/128703/e96854.pdf), meaning 9-15 billion Euros for Germany. 54% of the Germans have limited health literacy (https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/ministerium/meldungen/20181/februar/nationaler-aktionsplans-gesundheitskompetenz). Health literacy and planetary health are increasingly recognized as interdependent, emphasizing the importance of educating individuals on both their personal health and the health of the planet. The concept of planetary health literacy combines various literacy types—such as health, environmental, and sustainability literacy—into a comprehensive approach that encourages informed decisions that benefit both human and ecological well-being. The Planetary Health Alliance (https://www.planetaryhealthalliance.org/) highlights the direct link between anthropogenic environmental changes and significant health challenges, such as air and water quality, food security, and disease emergence, which ultimately affect global public health.

Current initiatives like the Planetary Health Report Card (https://phreportcard.org/), developed by medical students, evaluate and inspire the integration of planetary health into medical education globally. This initiative assesses medical schools on their planetary health curricula and sustainability practices, aiming to raise awareness and foster a commitment to health that encompasses our entire planet.

These two concepts must be integrated into educational and professional practices. Projects must be implemented to foster interdisciplinary collaborations that address global environmental changes and their impact on human health. Considering the deteriorating status of planetary health, it is imperative to consider health literacy when thinking of the health of our planet.