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Renewed Hijab Enforcement Sparks Fear and Risk of Clashes on Iranian University Campuses

Renewed Hijab Enforcement Sparks Fear and Risk of Clashes on Iranian University Campuses

Female students in Iran face increased fear and potential violence with the regime’s reinforced hijab enforcement at universities.

Security agencies, numbering over 32, have intensified measures, including physical assaults on non-compliant women. This strict adherence to the hijab law is part of a broader crackdown that could trigger further civil unrest, reminiscent of the deadly 2022 protests sparked by Mahsa Amini’s death under morality police custody.

The current atmosphere, manifest by severe punitive measures and surveillance, sets the stage for possible violent clashes. The persistent government push on these policies, ignoring public dissent, especially from the youth, may lead to more tragic conflicts if the growing grievances remain unaddressed. https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=2024043011402234