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Sugar Source More Critical Than Quantity in Childhood Obesity Risk

Sugar Source More Critical Than Quantity in Childhood Obesity Risk

New research presented at the European Congress on Obesity in Venice suggests that the type of sugar children consume is more crucial than the quantity for obesity risk.

The study, led by Junyang Zou from the University of Groningen, found no link between total sugar intake at a young age and weight at ages 10 or 11. However, sugars from fruit and unsweetened liquid dairy products like milk and buttermilk were associated with lower weight gain and reduced obesity risk. In contrast, sugars from sweet snacks and sweetened drinks correlated with higher weights.

This study underscores the importance of choosing naturally occurring sugars in fruits and unsweetened dairy over sugars in processed snacks and beverages to mitigate obesity risk in children. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1044184