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Türkiye Among the Top 10 Countries with the Sharpest Decline in Freedoms

Türkiye Among the Top 10 Countries with the Sharpest Decline in Freedoms

According to the “Freedom in the World 2025” report published by Freedom House, Türkiye was among the top 10 countries that experienced the greatest decline in freedoms in the last decade. Other countries where authoritarianism increased the most during this period include Nicaragua, Tunisia, El Salvador and Tanzania.

Freedom House evaluates freedoms under two main headings: political rights and civil liberties. The report states that Türkiye has experienced significant decline in both areas, and draws attention to serious problems in judicial independence, freedom of the press, freedom of expression and political pluralism in particular. Turkey has been in the “not free country” category since 2018.

Academic Freedoms and Scientific Independence Under Threat

The report also placed special emphasis on the decline of academic freedoms. It stated that the autonomy of universities in Turkey is systematically restricted, rectors are appointed based on political loyalty rather than academic merit, and critical thought is suppressed in academia. The dismissal of thousands of academics and the closure of some universities since 2016 have seriously damaged academic freedom in the country. This situation, by undermining scientific independence and academic innovation, could negatively affect Türkiye’s scientific and economic development in the long term.

Electoral Manipulation and Democratic Backsliding

According to the report, electoral manipulation is a growing source of concern. It states that in past elections in Türkiye, state resources were used in favor of the government, opposition candidates were disqualified through the judiciary, and public opinion was manipulated through media control. This situation reduces the effectiveness of democratic mechanisms and narrows the space for the opposition and civil society to move.

Türkiye in the Global Context

According to Freedom House data, Türkiye has become the eighth country in the world to have experienced the greatest democratic decline in the last decade. Other countries where freedoms have declined more rapidly include Nicaragua, Tunisia, El Salvador, Tanzania, Niger, Hong Kong and Serbia. The report emphasized that freedoms have declined for the 19th consecutive year in the world, and that in 2024 alone, 60 countries have seen a decline in political rights and civil liberties.

The Freedom House report shows that if the current political and academic pressure in Turkey continues, there could be permanent damage to both democracy and scientific development. Protecting academic freedoms and rebuilding democratic values are vital to Türkiye’s future development.