Home All Categories-en Events “Academic Writing” course for migrant health professionals (Certificate Presentation: 20.03.2023)

“Academic Writing” course for migrant health professionals (Certificate Presentation: 20.03.2023)


One of the biggest problems for scientists who have had to leave their home country due to migration is the limited opportunity to continue their researches. In line with the aims of the Academic Solidarity Association, a course in academic writing and biostatistics was therefore offered. This course took place from January to July 2022 and was attended by 32 academics who had to leave Turkey in recent years. The second part of the course was continued online in January and February 2023.

At the end of the course, the participants had the opportunity to test their statistical solutions. Participants received training in research planning, ethics committee applications, data collection, statistical analysis and scientific writing.

During the course, a study was also conducted on the migration motives and experiences of health professionals who had migrated from Turkey. The resulting research data was published in the form of qualitative (https://ej-social.org/index.php/ejsocial/article/view/519) and quantitative (https://ijmshr.com/link/398) articles as well as an e-book (https://a.co/d/i77glRU).

Sample Certificate of Participation