Academic Solidarity e.V.
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Academic Solidarity

The Academic Solidarity Initiative was founded by a group of academicians living around the world in 2018. Some founders of this initiative have faced anti-democratic and unlawful practices in their home country. They have been purged and forced to flee their home country. The goal of the initiation is to collaborate with those academicians under oppression, and to get their voice heard by international communities.

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[/dtab][dtab title=”Background of Academic Collapse”]

Turkey was considered as a country which combined the democracy and secularism, at least in words, with its Muslim population. Justice and Development political party that came into power in 2002 drew a democratic image. At that time, Turkey had made remarkable process towards integration with European Union and widened the freedom in all area. But, in the course of time, R.T. Erdogan, the current President Turkey, has deeply dominated the whole party and became the only power. Erdogan’s and his close companions’ great triumph in referendum in 2010 and in general election in 2011 caused them to think that they had sufficient power to apply in the country whatever they want or how they want and they became rapidly autocratic. They declared their civil allies which supported them to fight against the military coup threat to establish the values of European Union, to amend the new regulations to be integrated with European Union’s norms and to broaden the freedom of humanity, freedom of speech, freedom of Journalism etc. as terrorists. Ironically, they became allies with the undercover powers that they fought against for years.

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