Academic Solidarity e.V.
About Us

About Us

Academic Solidarity Initiative

The Academic Solidarity Initiative (ASI) was found in 2018 by academicians residing in different countries. Some of founders had to flee from Turkey in the last five years. On Turkey’s anti-democratic path; thousands of academicians had to migrate different countries after they had been purged from their jobs. During that oppression, many of them had to separate from their families and had to leave their academic and material earnings behind. Because of the oppression in Turkey, only a small number of those infringements and anti-democratic actions have been shared, to the world public. Those academicians who were victimized during this period and their supporters, who believe them, have embarked on initiating some groups to get their voice heard about that unlawfulness and to put that back on track.

We aim to help and support those academicians who have lost their academic positions, have been imprisoned, had to flee their own country because of the oppression and difficulties in their country.

Targeted Activities (or Services)

1. To report the infringements and victimizations against academicians

2. To trace the problems of those academicians who are oppressed and treated unjustifiably or discriminated

3. To optimize the collaboration and promote the communication among themselves

a. For this purpose, to organize different networking events, such as; scientific researches, meetings, conferences and seminars

b. To provide consultancy service

c. To share experiences

4. To supply scholarship and to provide research assistance for senior and junior academicians thorough social associations and foundations

People and education, professor writing on board during lesson in college, Law School, University of Havana, Cuba
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