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Using ChatGPT 4o in the Academy: New functions and changes


Apparently, the “o” in GPT-4o stands for “omni” (all), indicating its intent to cover all communication channels. GPT-4o includes a new voice mode that supports real-time conversations and vision capabilities, allowing users to upload and discuss pictures, screenshots, and documents. These features make ChatGPT more versatile and useful in various contexts. For academics, this means they can speak, show, and discuss projects with the AI with precision and comfort similar to that with their scientific colleagues. While potential risks such as impacts on employment and security concerns should be addressed, we encourage all academics to familiarize themselves with this ever-growing giant. https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/

THE Europe Universities Summit 2024


The Times Higher Education Europe Universities Summit 2024 was organized in Bremen on April 23 and 24 and focused on how universities and other higher education institutions can achieve societal progress through partnerships. The conference brings together leading thinkers from academia, industry and civil society to discuss the role of universities in creating sustainable societal impact (https://www.timeshighered-events.com/europe-universities-summit-2024).

International Energy Workshop (IEW) 2024


From June 26-28, Bonn will host the IEW, a leading meeting for the international energy modeling community. Hosted by the International Renewable Energy Agency, this event will feature numerous sessions on various aspects of energy modeling and its impact on environmental policy (https://www.irena.org/Events/2024/Jun/International-Energy-Workshop-IEW-2024).

Teaching in Germany


The German education system offers teachers a wide range of opportunities to pass on their knowledge and experience. The term “Dozent” encompasses not only traditional academic roles, but also teaching activities at universities, universities of applied sciences, adult education centers and private institutions, both in academic and non-academic contexts.

Academic roles in the German education system:

  • Academic staff (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter): these are mostly doctoral or postdoctoral researchers who combine their research activities with teaching duties. Employed at universities or research institutes, they are primarily dedicated to academic research and teaching. Their tasks include carrying out research projects, supervising students and writing scientific publications. They are often employed for a limited period of time, enabling them to gain further qualifications, in particular a doctorate or habilitation.
  • Lecturers (Lehrbeauftragte): Practitioners with specific expertise who are temporarily employed for special courses at universities. They often work on a freelance basis and bring current, application-related knowledge from their professional practice into teaching. Their contribution strengthens the link between theory and practice and offers students insights into current challenges in the subject area.
  • Academic advisors (Akademische Räte): Permanently employed academics who are involved in teaching and research. This position, which often follows a successful doctorate, involves teaching and leading courses, supervising theses and participating in research projects as well as taking on administrative tasks within the faculty.
  • Junior professors (Juniorprofessoren): Early career stages for postdoctoral researchers that can serve as a precursor to a full professorship. They carry out independent research and are active in teaching, albeit with reduced teaching commitments in order to have more time for their research. After a successful interim evaluation, they can be extended and offer an alternative path to a professorship without habilitation.
  • Professors: The main actors in teaching and research, divided into “university professors” and “professors at universities of applied sciences”. They lead research projects, develop degree programs, supervise students and perform important administrative tasks. Appointment as a professor requires outstanding academic achievements and pedagogical aptitude.

Non-academic lecturer roles:

  • Lecturers at adult education centers (Volkshochschulen-VHS): offer courses on a variety of topics and are characterized by high flexibility and lower academic requirements.
  • Trainers and coaches in private organizations: Teach specialized skills and knowledge in in-house or public seminars, often with higher earning potential and a dynamic work environment.

Teaching in Germany is diversified considerably and offers a wide range of opportunities at both academic and non-academic institutions. This development opens up new perspectives for professionals without a traditional academic background, but also brings challenges such as financial constraints and the need for continuous professional development. With the increasing use of new educational technologies and the ongoing internationalization of education, flexible adaptation of teaching methods is required to meet global demands.

Overall, teaching in Germany offers a demanding and diverse educational landscape in which each role brings specific benefits and challenges that contribute to maintaining and developing the high standard of German education.

A so called academic Woman at BBC


Some time ago, Prof. Gulnur Aybet, Erdogan’s consultant, had claimed on the BBC’s HardTalk program that there was not a single journalist in Turkish prisons. When moderator Stephen Sackur asked her how many journalists were arrested, she tried to bypass the question. But when Sackur relentlessly repeated the question, she said: “There is not a single journalist in Turkish prisons”. Nobody in Turkey is behind bars because he is a journalist, Aybet said.

From the words of this expert on international relations, who satisfied government-related circles with her perfect English, we understand that Ahmet Altan was caught with a Kalashnikov in her hand during the coup night and was therefore sentenced to life imprisonment. Even more serious is the fact that Hidayet Karaca, a suicide bomber with explosives attached to his body, was placed in prison for life. Other journalists shared the same fate. According to Aybet, anyone who is arrested should ask about their profession. These would have given themselves as journalists and therefore many international federations are to maintain that in Turkey many journalists are imprisoned.

Irony would be out of place on such an important issue. But how can an academic falsify facts in such a way? If she had been a politician, we would not have taken her seriously. But how can she, looking into the eyes of the world public, denounce her opponents and repeat such allegations? Even more serious is the question, how can she still appear in public as an academic after such a statement?

In order to see what a metamorphosis the academics in Turkey are going through, it is perfectly sufficient to look at the example of Aybet. It is hard to believe how she can make such accusations in an area that has evidence and documentation. If your nerves can stand it and follow this lady’s full speech, you will find that a great effort is needed to explain the realities to the world public. We are faced with a rigorous example of an attempt at deception and do not know exactly whether it is due to a particular motivation or because of your consultant’s fee. You can watch the video under the following link.

For Academicians Seeking Financial Support in Other Countries


Every year, thousands of academicians lose their jobs mostly for political reasons, and a significant portion of them are forced to leave their home countries. The oppression on academicians is not rare in the human history. Many scientists; from Socrates to Avicenna, from Galileo to Einstein; were the victims of injustice and oppression. Some lost their lives some left their countries and tried to survive in other lands. This situation is not too much different in today’s modern world. As an academician, if you feel at risk and have to leave your home country, there are institutions that could provide you job opportunities and support your research.

What are Fellowship / Bursary / Grant?

The scholarship is usually the name for educational support, which can provide funds directly for the graduate studies such as master or doctorate education. In some institutions, scholarship can also be funded by large scale research projects.

Tips for Scholarship / Research Projects:

To apply a scholarship,

• You have to make sure you are eligible for the scholarship or project support before making applications to these programs. For example, a person who has not completed his / her doctorate cannot apply to a program if a doctorate degree is a requirement for that program. Or one cannot apply a postdoc program accepting applications from people who completed the degree within past five years if she/he finished his/her degree 6 years ago.

• It is important a critical point for most fellowship/grant application to find a host institution that accept new applicant. Some of funding institutions directly ask the host institution to apply for fund on be behalf of the candidate, and they require a mentorship in the host institution.

• In order to find a position or support, it must fulfill the eligibility requirement and prove that you can make a contribution to that institution/field/country. In order to find a position at an academic institution in another country, you should be fluent in English or the language of that country. Depending on the nature of the position, in some rare cases, being fluent in third language may be enough to find a position. For example, a historian who is fluent in Russian may have the advantage of receiving a scholarship in the area of Soviet Studies.

What are the main scholarships?

In the Google search engine, a search like “international & academic & fellowship words” brings up about 152,000 results. You should be more specific in looking for funding opportunities through search engines. For example, if UK citizenship is an eligibility requirement for a scholarship or grant, obviously scholarship opportunities brought up by a search engine with UK citizenship requirements would not help you much. You should narrow down your search by adding additional words in the keywords combinations to find a scholarship or project that you are eligible to apply. This is a very important first step. Searches with better keyword combinations describing your situation would make it easier for you to find scholarships to apply.

For example, someone who completed his/her doctorate degree more than 5 years ago (in some places this is 10 years) should no longer seek post-doctoral positions. Instead, they should look for funding that can directly support their own research.

Institutions and Programs Supporting Risk Academicians:

Risk (SAR) at Scholar:

It is an organization established by the University of New York and is one of the most influential organizations in the world. Rarely, SAR can provide direct financial support to academicians at risk. Rather, it is a reference institution. For example, it collaborates with the German-based Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and directly supports the Philipp Schwartz Initiative, the foundation’s support program for at-risk academicians. This is also a very active program in making the voices of academicians oppressed in their home countries heard.

Web address: https://www.scholarsatrisk.org/about/

The Institute of International Education’s Scholar Rescue Fund (IIE-SRF):

This organization, called Scholar Rescue Found (SRF) in short, provides support to academics at risk all over the world. At the application step, a host institution is not required to apply for the support, but it is possible to use the scholarship only after finding a host research institution. This institution supports academics within two years of leaving their countries. If this period is over, applications are rejected.

Web address: http://www.scholarrescuefund.org/

The Council for At-Risk Academics (CARA):

It is a partnership of 119 civil society organizations based in the UK. CARA, together with the universities they cooperate with, provides support to academics at risk within two to three years after they leave their country. It is also one of the reference centers for academics at risk.

Web address: https://www.cara.ngo/

The Volkswagen Foundation Scholarships

The Volkswagen Foundation offers research, support and educational scholarships under various titles. Some of these are well suited for applications by researchers at risk. The “Refugee Researcher Support Scholarship, which can be used especially by academicians who are in exile in Germany, is one of them. The mentor academic to apply for this scholarship must be a researcher who has benefited from Volkswagen Foundation scholarships in the last decade. Refugee researchers may also be involved in ongoing researches. They process the applications fast, which is an important advantage.



Seminar on Using Artificial Intelligence in Academia


With the organization of the Academic Solidarity Association, a seminar based on artificial intelligence (AI) was held online on November 3, 2023. The meeting was attended by 86 academics. The seminar was presented by Dr. T. E., who has been working in this field for twenty years.

In this seminar, the expert described Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLM) with some application areas. The impact of AI was explored with the audience. There was also a demo session on the use of some AI based frameworks, ChatGPT and Bard. The last part was a Q&A session. The presentation slides are available on the website.

Seminar slides: https://academicsolidarity.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/AI-seminar.pdf