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Human Rights Violations

Academics lay down their gowns during a protest against the dismissal of academics in Turkey, 2017.

Thousands of academics in Turkish universities stand accused of either having supported terrorism or the attempted coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in July 2016. Theoretical physicist Ali Kaya is one of them. He was arrested three months after the failed coup and held for more than a year before his trial took place.

Am Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2019, um 18 Uhr, spricht Generalkonsul a.D. und Autor Reiner Möckelmann zum Thema “Exil in der Türkei. Deutsche Akademiker nach 1933 in Istanbul und Ankara am Beispiel Ernst Reuters, Ernst E. Hirschs und Fritz Neumarks”

Strange Talks of a Professor at BBC

Some time ago, Prof. Gulnur Aybet, Erdogan’s consultant, had claimed on the BBC’s HardTalk programme that there was not a single journalist in Turkish prisons. When moderator Stephen Sackur asked her how many journalists were arrested, she tried to bypass the question. But when Sackur relentlessly repeated the question, she said: “There is not a single journalist in Turkish prisons”. Nobody in Turkey is behind bars because he is a journalist, Aybet said.

A Rector who recomends murder..

The academician Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akgündüz, known in Turkey as a conservative, has sentenced the arch-enemy of the Erdogan government, The Sympathising of the Gülen Movement, to death.